What Is Reiki Healing?

Explore what is Reiki healing is and how it can enhance your well-being


In recent years, many people have sought alternative therapies to complement their wellness routines. One such practice gaining increasing attention is Reiki. If you’re curious about what Reiki is good for, this post will provide a comprehensive overview. We’ll delve into its fascinating history and offer practical tips on how to experience it for yourself.

The Origins of Reiki

To truly understand what Reiki is, it’s essential to explore its origins. Reiki is a form of energy healing that was developed in Japan during the early 20th century. The practice’s roots can be traced back to Mikao Usui, a Japanese monk who is credited with founding Reiki in the 1920s. According to historical accounts, Usui experienced a profound spiritual awakening after a long meditation retreat on Mount Kurama, leading him to discover the principles of Reiki.

Usui’s approach to healing was influenced by various ancient Eastern traditions, including Buddhism and Shintoism. Reiki, which means “universal life energy” in Japanese, is based on the idea that this energy flows through all living things. Practitioners believe that by tapping into and channelling this energy, they can help balance and heal the mind, body and spirit.

Following Usui’s death, Reiki was further developed and popularised by his students and successors. It eventually spread to the West, where it gained recognition as a valuable complementary therapy for various health issues.

How Reiki Works


Understanding what Reiki is also involves knowing how it’s practised. Reiki sessions typically involve a trained practitioner using their hands to channel energy into the recipient’s body. The process is non-invasive and recipients remain fully clothed during the session.

Here are some practical tips for experiencing Reiki:

Find a Qualified Practitioner

Look for a certified Reiki practitioner or master who has completed extensive training. It’s important to choose someone with a good reputation and relevant credentials to ensure a safe and effective session.

Prepare for Your Session

Before your appointment, take some time to relax and clear your mind. It’s helpful to approach the session with an open mind and a willingness to experience whatever arises.

During the Session

You’ll typically lie down on a comfortable table. The practitioner will place their hands lightly on or near your body. The session may last from 30 to 60 minutes. Some people report feeling a sense of warmth or tingling, while others experience deep relaxation or emotional release.

Post-Session Care

After the session, it’s common to feel a sense of calm and clarity. Drink plenty of water to help flush out any toxins that may have been released. Take time to reflect on your experience and allow yourself to process any emotions or sensations that may arise.

Regular Sessions

For ongoing benefits, consider incorporating Reiki into your regular wellness routine. Regular sessions can support emotional balance, reduce stress, and promote overall well-being.

The Benefits of Reiki

Many individuals turn to Reiki for its potential benefits, which range from physical to emotional. While scientific evidence is still emerging, anecdotal reports suggest that Reiki can be particularly effective for:

  • Stress Reduction: Reiki promotes deep relaxation, which can help alleviate stress and anxiety.
  • Pain Management: Some people use Reiki as a complementary therapy to manage chronic pain and discomfort.
  • Emotional Healing: Reiki can assist in addressing emotional imbalances and fostering a sense of inner peace.

So, what is Reiki? It’s an ancient healing art that taps into universal life energy to promote balance and wellness. With its origins in early 20th-century Japan, Reiki has evolved into a respected practice that offers various benefits, from stress reduction to emotional healing. Whether you’re seeking to complement your health regimen or explore new avenues for relaxation, Reiki provides a gentle and holistic approach to well-being.

If you’re intrigued by the idea of energy healing, consider giving Reiki a try. Approach it with an open heart and mind, and you may discover a valuable tool for enhancing your overall quality of life.

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Robbie Burness

Robbie gave up his sedentary London office existence when he turned 40 to explore the world and now is living the dream as a digital nomad.

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